Sunday, April 30, 2006

"Gooden'," Lord

Lord, you can do so much in one year, one semester, one month, one week, one day, one hour, one minute, one second....

This weekend packed full of encouraging time with people I love. Blessed be Your name!

Some sweet words of affirmation and encouragement from people I respect and value greatly; o how I hold words close to my heart. Indeed, I am a words of affirmation lover. ...and quality time--clearly.


I received an email to day:
"I am attaching the final and will have it
on webct by tomorrow so it can be submitted
on line. If you have any trouble please
email me. This is due by 9pm on
Wednesday of this week.
Dr. Gooden"

Take-home final? 9pm Wednesday? Dr. Gooden?
After the initial panic, I soon realized that this
was a misdirected email; a fear shot through me...

the class I forgot to go to all semester...Reading 411...
*long sigh* no, I'm not in that
class, I reminded
myself. I had to chuckle--I have not been
stressed about
finals until that very moment
and then the feeling subsided just as quickly
it had appeared. I downloaded the final just
for kicks--mostly to praise the Lord that I didn't
have to actually take it.

...haha, that was a "Gooden'," Lord.

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