Monday, December 22, 2008

Korea's Intimacy

She leaned into me with no shame, forbearance, or consideration. Merely, an understood grace and affection extended from both parties surrounding the situation could apply. After being squeezed into the subway train like toothpaste being thrust out of a tube, expecting personal space did not even come as a passing thought.

The vibrations of her voice meshed into my back and seemed to tickle my spine, penetrating to even my chest cavity--an intimacy felt that only should come with my lover. I suppose, that intimacy with an unknown Korean woman on the subway for half an hour lent me a greater appreciation for the wide open spaces of Texas. And yet, a fondness of such intimacy among a culture invaded me with sweetness as I encountered her every breath. Humanity. Life.

Only a smile could rest on my face, knowing that she contained a story—one kept inside her heart. The language barrier kept me silenced, but I wondered about her life.

She carried on in conversation, all the while leaning into me. As we parted ways, I felt the affection and pressure from her body lift. The impression she left was more than that of momentary warmth, but I sensed that as she had leaned into me with intimacy, so had Korea herself. The mark of this land has begun to write a love on my heart. As she presses in, I lean too, allowing the beauty of a land to touch me, penetrating even to my heart.


The city became hushed tonight. White powder fell from the sky and blanketed the land. Treading ground where so many pass, somehow I had the privilege of being the first to step foot on the white laden path. I felt honored, and yet, as if I was violating something precious—a freshly, untouched powdered sidewalk. I stepped lightly, making my way down the path. Peace. Serenity. Now all I needed was a sky full of stars.

I’ve dreamed of living where it snows. Now I know. And, it is all I thought it would be. I couldn’t help but wonder what it’d be like to be away from the city. Thankful for the white carpet which absorbed the noise of the city, I ventured off to enjoy the night with my Creator. His beauty invaded late into the night as He gently sprinkled snow over Korea.

1 comment:

Mags said...

this is beautiful. you are such an amazing writer girl! i love hearing your heart and who the father has made you to be.

thinking of you this christmas!

love ya, mags