Saturday, July 19, 2008

Remembering Tomatoes

"There are some things that you will never outgrow."


Arriving at my Granny's house, she geared up to spend some quality time with me. This of course meant that we would have our traditional pizza from Pizza Hut, we would sit on the back porch and talk over coffee, and ....she had purposefully left some ripe tomatoes on her plant for me to pick. She had already harvested a few but then she knew that I would be delighted to go outside to her garden (which in all sincerity is only a few flower pots on the back porch) and pick the red tomatoes. She was so thrilled and could not wait for me to remember the days of my sister and I used to love going out to her garden and pick mint leaves for our tea, okra "boats" for out bath toys (that's another story), and cherry tomatoes to eat! On some occasions she even had squash or watermelon.

So, she took me outside and showed me her plump reds...and I proudly picked them for her in remembrance of all the memories we have made together over the years. She laughed, and said whole heartedly, "There are some things that you will never outgrow."

I believe this with my all my heart. What fun is life if you outgrow everything you loved from childhood? =P

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