Thursday, September 07, 2006

Diamond in the Rough

//Diamond in the Rough // Spring 2004

Unaware of his own beauty
Trapped...covered over by filth
Deep...burried deep in a cave somewhere
A cave of lies, deceit, blindness
Cast aside...forgotten...left alone...
This lonely gem wastes away
Oppressed and hidden
Held Captive by the world, the enemy
Beat up...lost...idle...maybe falsely content
No one to seek for help
This precious jewel remains unknown
Some pass through but he is left unnoticed
The sound of freedom seems near
Yet is nowhere to be found
No way to get there, regardless
On a clear night another comes through
This time there is a mission in mind
Looking beyond himself he seeks the lost
With guidance from above he searches
Wandering where ever the Father leads him
A break in the dirt, a sliver of the lost jewel appears
A flash of light shimmers from the gem
Piercing the eyes of the pursuer
...piercing his heart
What is this?
Can it be?
A full moon shines through, setting the forgotten soul afire
Scraping away the dirt and filth
Pulling it from the rocks
Uncovering this beauty
A treasure is discovered
Truth is revealed...a whole new world laid before the jewel
This rare gem is revived
...a diamond in the rough
All because a man looked past himself
He saw the beauty before there was beauty
Committed to rescuing, cleaning, shining, and polishing
He set forth on a journey to restore lost souls- to call them back to their Father above
Thanking my Father, for the lost rubble of dirt, I was a refined jewel, I am

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