stillness of the night quiet sounds all around me endless thoughts run free
There are so many things that I want to do with my life, and yet there always seems to be the same hindrances that rise up and block the dreams. I am naturally a dreamer, an idealist, a visionary...but it seems that time always bucks up and pushes the grand thought aside. "Move on over, partner. Time's a'comin' on through." Either that or fear. Fear paralyzes most men--to some degree, anyhow.
As of late, I find myself growing in the area of confidence and believing my Father for great things. He has equipped me and will do wondrous things through me because I live from His presence and favor. Outside of him, well, I'm pretty much useless.
This idea of confidence in the Lord has grown unknowingly. The Lord prophesied in July that I would journey through a season of learning to walk in confidence and not fear man. He told me that I was equipped and assured me that I would accomplish great things with my life. Not to mention, He said I'd be a "protocol breaker." That's a significant statement and call on my life. Something I had to realize is that protocol is just a way of doing something. I won't be rebellious, but I'll just break the traditional mold--the hum drum way of doing things. In order to do that I must walk in His confidence and favor.
This season continues to be drawn out as the Lord carefully and even meticulously uproots insecurities, fears, lies, and wounds. The mending of such brokenness takes time and great care. He is patient--no, he is patience, the very essence of patience.
I am grateful to know that he loves me enough to walk me through the junk and even challenge me to change and become a better person; to become more Christ-like. The process can sometimes be messy but the other end of things is always so much more beautiful. Take a diamond for instance. A diamond in the rough...the process of cleaning and polishing...then the result of a rare and priceless jewel.
We are to co-labor with the Lord. He has given us great desires and dreams. It's not like Buddhism where you take away all desires. That is a cheap and goes against a passionate God's heart for us. As we surrender our hearts and desires to him, he fills us with his desires. Our desires line up with his and by his grace and power we can co-labor with Him.
Time is not an issue for the Lord. Therefore, time does not have to be an issue for me. It's that simple. What could take years, the Lord can do in minutes. I've seen it happen in my own personal life. But then again, the Lord is patient and does not view time in the way we do, so sometimes it seems that something may take forever to come about. Keep in mind that no barren woman in the Bible stayed barren except David's wife because she did not like his dancing before the Lord. That speaks well of the Lord's promises to us!
The only fear we should have is a healthy fear of God. Perfect love casts out all fear. With help from the holy spirit, I can be fearless.
Taking these roadblocks out, I find myself once again dreaming with God and desiring to co-labor with the Lord.
Direction...now if only I could understand which way to go...this involves listening, trusting, waiting, and obeying. I suppose through all of these things, I am learning greater revelation of who God is and who I am in Christ. No, I don't suppose. I know so. I am learning to be a sheep that knows my master's voice. The art of listening.
My thoughts are a little scattered tonight, but all the same, coherent.
In the end, I just want to know my maker intimately, be known by him, trust and obey. My big hope is in the King and his Kingdom. Anything else is only subservient.
Isaiah 17:8 "I will wait for the Lord, who is hiding his face from the house of Jacob. I will put my trust in him."
2 Thessalonians 3:5 "May the Lord direct your hearts into God's lvoe and Christ's perseverance."
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