A friend asked for this drawing and I felt led to send it along to others...over the years, another dear friend has taught me the beauty in sharing. may the Lord use this to minister to you.
Several days ago the Lord had given me this vision of a tree coming up through a heart...previously I had seen a shirt that had a picture of a tree that said, "Change begins with the roots"...while watching the Gospel of John I felt inspired to start putting the image on paper...different verses came to mind and I felt that they went along with the image. At first I was going to do a tree that was half in the desert and half in the streams, but that just didn't seem right, for we have complete Life in Him--not just partial. The colors came together and a renewed tree and heart presented itself...
The Lord has taken me through so much healing and He continues to. It is a process...through all of it we are renewed with a new heart and mind. Keep asking Him for healing and renewal. He never holds back healing from those who ask and seek it. some of the verses that i put on here have been speaking to me since the very first day that i received the Lord...and others just came...
lies and wounds are like weeds that need to be dug up. dealing with your heart is like dealing with a garden...it must be maintained and fertilized or else it will become overgrown with weeds. in order to dig up a weed and insure that it does not grow back, you must attack it from the root. likewise, to become free from a wound or lie, we must dig it up from the root. once the weed is dug up, we must nurture and fertilize the soil and the plants remaining. we must replant if necessary. the same is true with our hearts (and minds). when a wound and lie is uprooted, we must replant...replace it with the truth and love of the Lord. the holy spirit helps us in this process. our minds must be renewed in the process in order to keep the healing and keep our hearts protected from future arrows and wounds.
The scars are our testimony. Revelation 12:11 "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death."
the verses in the picture to meditate on are as follows:
John 15:5-8
parts of Isaiah 61
Jeremiah 17:8-9
Proverbs 4:23
Isaiah 43:18
Psalm 126:5-6
John 4:13-14
John 7:37-39
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