Sunday, April 30, 2006

"Gooden'," Lord

Lord, you can do so much in one year, one semester, one month, one week, one day, one hour, one minute, one second....

This weekend packed full of encouraging time with people I love. Blessed be Your name!

Some sweet words of affirmation and encouragement from people I respect and value greatly; o how I hold words close to my heart. Indeed, I am a words of affirmation lover. ...and quality time--clearly.


I received an email to day:
"I am attaching the final and will have it
on webct by tomorrow so it can be submitted
on line. If you have any trouble please
email me. This is due by 9pm on
Wednesday of this week.
Dr. Gooden"

Take-home final? 9pm Wednesday? Dr. Gooden?
After the initial panic, I soon realized that this
was a misdirected email; a fear shot through me...

the class I forgot to go to all semester...Reading 411...
*long sigh* no, I'm not in that
class, I reminded
myself. I had to chuckle--I have not been
stressed about
finals until that very moment
and then the feeling subsided just as quickly
it had appeared. I downloaded the final just
for kicks--mostly to praise the Lord that I didn't
have to actually take it.

...haha, that was a "Gooden'," Lord.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Currents of Life and Love

you are a riddle [a conundrum]
this is a quagmire of sorts
nebulous future

riddle to be solved?
only God and time tell that
currents of love flow

deeper than the sea;
i see the complexities,
however, simple

close your eyes tonight
the distant shore of love's here be held one day

as the flower blooms,
so my love escapes me now.
commitment to stay

where this leads, no say
this river needs direction
say go and i'll go

we'll live together,
in love--through the test of time
tried and true, we'll be

don't let fear plague us
it will be to our demise
come away with me

there is no end now
what's to come remains unknown
life's currents still flow

What I learn-ed

Some things I've been learning:

We are not above temptation. Walking in the Spirit is imperative.

God is a God of order and focus. He's not gonna throw a bunch of stuff at you and say, "Good luck with that." He works in seasons, themes, and has a definite focus--He's not scatterbrained. This is why it's so important to reflect on what He's done, what He's taught you, and what He's going to do. Looking back, I see all the things He's taught me throughout the semester/summer/year and then I ask Him what He is going to do in the upcoming months. This has had a tremendous impact on my walk with Him. Reflection is needed often.

"You are slow to warm up and fast to retreat. Not slow to warm up as in you are stuck-up, but that it takes you some time to really feel comfortable around people." This is definitely true. "However, God continues to open you up more and more and helps you to be more confident in who you are." This is also true. I've seen how the Lord has continued to grow my confidence in Him and has helped me to overcome certain insecurities along the way; this has been a season of uprooting many insecurities. I'm still forging onward, allowing Him to continue digging up these poisons that hinder and then replacing these weeds with His love. Beautiful, yes. A process, most certainly.

The fear of the Lord does not mean fright or terror; rather, a good relationship with God in that it is based on reverence and respect for him and his commands.

Brief highlights from the semester:
*God's been teaching me self-control, growing that fruit (esp. in the area of food)
*Getting my heart in the right place for missions and ministry and such
*Contentment in singleness
*Joy in the Lord is my strength, growing the fruit of joy
*Learning to fight depression; claiming victory and having deliverance, amen!
*Discovering the dire need to meet people where they are at; to love as He loves.
*God's patience is not slowness as we understand it, but His patience means salvation.
*Understanding the huge foothold that unforgivenness gives to the enemy
*Laying my burdens down because the weight of the world is too much to carry alone
*Revival in intercession...carrying others into the presence of God
*Claiming a garment of praise over me
*Learning to appreciate the different mindsets (cause, community, corporate) and not just the ones that I am strongest in; also learning to appreciate and to love through different love languages (esp. ones that are not my number one--service...o but God has been growing this area...slowly but surely)
*He's been growing my patience, growing this fruit--giving me a longer fuse; teaching me how to be patient with others and still love.
*Uprooting insecurities; helping me tap into some of my talents and sharing them with others
*Learning how much we really do have a choice when important it is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide and give you power over your flesh, the world, and Satan
*Recognizing attacks and seeing the link to ministry in some cases
*Spontaneity in the Lord...not floating amoeba
*Having a focus...listening to God and hearing from Him...what does He want me to pray for...what is He wanting to do...
*Learning more and more how love is a choice and involves commitment and sacrifice
*Having an appreciation and even affinity for the Old Testament (dang boy that's some good stuff!)
*Asking to be a key to fit into the locks of others as to reach out and speak to their hearts
*Brokenness for the lost...the nations...the immediate...
*Greater understanding of humble servitude and leadership
*Learning even more about submission
*Continually admiring and observing how the Lord orchestrates things so perfectly
*Everything, everything is in His perfect timing
*To be the willing volunteer--not the hesitant one or the overly ambitious one
*Not doing something can be disobedient but doing too much is just as much of a sin
*Don't allow emotions to drive you--they are not the say all end all
*Choosing to do what God says and not falling into the vice of trying to meet my own expectations or the assumed expectations of others

Whew, God's done a lot this semester! What an overflow! Praise you, Lord! Hallelujah!


Something I learned tonight:
"Mexican food and blueberry muffins: Those are mexiberry burps-- bluesican burps." That one's for you, Sarah (and David).

Friday, April 28, 2006

More old stuff


...absolutely breath-taking....

...quit everything and live among the sea...only a dream i suppose...*sigh*

tonight on my way home i was in the usual state of deep thought while driving and absorbing the genuine sound of music when i looked up to the heavens just in time to witness the most beautiful thing and yet a most despairing sight--a falling star. the bright star fell half way down the darkened sky and flickered out as it came to its end. almost as if the remnants of fireworks fading away....the death of a less in the sky of billions upon billions...

The music plays so profoundly in my ears. A deepening of the soul, it feels as though something in me comes alive--that which must be induced by the very sound of brilliance vibrating through the air, shimmering sweet melodies of life and love. Trinkets of golden whispers flourish as wisps through time. The incessant drone of life becomes filled with harmonious measure which serves to penetrate the heart and soul with something words cannot describe. Ode to music for its delight. How beautiful an expression God has graciously given to us all. One can most certainly hear the voice of God through the virtuous notes streaming from composers such as Beethoven and Mozart. A lingering nostalgia settles as the notes emerge and the mind begins to ponder things forgotten or brushed aside. Intricate tones resonate and the entwined rhythms flow as one. Unity encompasses the ensemble and resembles the picture of the church with
every part contributing, working together, and helping to the proper functioning of the whole body. Each person needed for the unity and overall production and existence of the whole. Within the band/orchestra exists a structure, an order, and layered leadership. The same remains within the body of Christ--order, structure, and layered leadership. Operating together, beautiful and glorifying all in one.

Friday, September 30, 2005

A surge of caffeine runs through my veins causing my hands to shake like a leaf. Neither accustomed to medicines, caffeine, nor alcohol, my body reacts with great unfamiliarity. Typically I will have no more than one coffee a month, thus when I do, it reacts with much potency.

I suppose this sudden spur of energy will have a lasting effect for several hours only to be followed by an unfortunate crash.

I neither enjoy the state of not being in control nor being in an unfamiliar situation. This probably applies not only to my physical being but also for other aspects of my life.

So often I find myself having to surrender the comfortable and familiar--allowing the Lord to lead me and help me step beyond the zone of comfort. Not that I am referencing caffeine as something I should intake more often-- but rather the idea of "not liking the feeling of being out of control" has caused me to realize my natural tendency of remaining in a zone of complete familiarity.

A disciple of Christ leads no easy life and is constantly being challenged to go forth and step out in faith. Jesus said to leave all for His sake--that is a radical thing which calls for one to most definitely walk miles beyond his comfort.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Driving home last night the Lord gave me this vision:

Living in a desert where water is a rarity and shelter from the scorching sun rays is virtually nonexistent, everyone struggles to quench his thirst...many have begun to eat sand, pouring it down, believing it to be water--a mere mirage. The sand is deadly--causing more pain and thirst anyone could imagine. Tears fill the eyes of so many. This presumably is the world.

As believers, we do not need the "sand" to try and quench our thirst. The sand only makes the soul grieve with thirst and leaves man in a sickly state. Whether the sand represents drugs, alcohol, lust, "having" control, food, etc., it will NEVER satisfy.

Then with a flash of light, the people in the desert see a lush oasis filled with food and water, proving to be the only place for rest and true life. The believers know this place as the very Lord Himself. He is the oasis in the desert. In this dying place He is life--He brings life. Here His children can drink and never thirst again. Here they find rest. People all around are asked to give up the "sand" and come before the Lord, empty and waiting to be filled.


16Never again will they hunger;
never again will they thirst.
The sun will not beat upon them,
nor any scorching heat.
17For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd;
he will lead them to springs of living water.
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Deeply provoked by an onslaught of events, the humdrum life ceased to play along, now only aspiring to the darkest of times when the human lies at its weakest. What plagues one so as to end his life—the very question I ask, I so considered in the past. Miles and years from those days, I feel the intensity of depression as it sets upon the soul as a thick, stagnate smog, suffocating any life which exists.

He slowly creeps in with the lies, the loneliness, the self-pity, the guilt…you no longer resemble the one whom God created you to be. Twisted truths, deceived by clouded paradigms, glossed over with the idea that you are alone in this and deserve everything you are feeling…he has meddled with something far more precious than he could even know…he slithers in like a snake and causes even the wisest to fall.

The sweetest rose he appears, only growing into a beastly sort as the victim begins to accept his coexistence. A parasite he is. Nothing good. No.

Anger stirs in me, for I know that it was an untimely death. A victim to the enemy. My blood boils with fury as I curse the devil. May he burn in hell where he belongs.

Confusion, guilt, lies, mockery, theft, maliciousness…all of these he is. I cry out to the Lord…a plea for the ones he so deceives. He leads them astray by the hundreds, thousands…


Standing at my front porch, a sheet of rain showered the yard and beyond. A peaceful hush save the soothing fall of rain. A pause in time, I gazing out into the vastness of the late night and early morning--the pivotal point where you neither know if it's night or morning--it just is. I lingered for more than a moment,experiencing the cool front approach. Arms crossed on top of one another as to trap some warmth. Barefoot, I felt free. No one around but me--and God. Everything placid. Not a ripple. Silence. All sleeping, as one should at this time. I couldn't help it, honest. I always find myself looking for those moments of stillness. The break of dawn. The silence between notes. The break between songbird and cricket. The exchange between late night and early morning. God's presence consumes me. I long for these moments; though brief, they consume and fill until I overflow.

Walking to homegroup I spotted these perfectly round and fluffy dandelions. An urge in me to pick one and blow it, I bent down to snatch one up, examining the intricacy and beauty. My breath escaped me and the individual seeds dispersed, scattering in all directions, blowing in the wind. I watched as they cascaded across the field.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

sugar and spice and wheat once

Big comfy sweatshirt tonight,

and I think naming your first two kids Dirt is a bad idea. Landfield. Dirt twice.

Sugar and spice and wheat once, that's what I'm made of. (yes, i am going to end with a preposition.)

End of Semester Blues

i love how the end of the semester always tests your character... all the pressures, late nights, deadlines... everything piles up as it has been snowballing all semester and then comes crashing down on you at the end... one last sha'bang for good measure. right. anyhow, it definitely stretches you and tries you...even rubs you like sandpaper. praise God for grace-giving roommates. tonight we all discovered our own tendencies to be frustrated, irritated, and pushed too far. but there was never a cross word and in fact, we laughed about it. we stayed up later than we should have and just hung out. that's the spirit--allowing the spirit to control instead of your flesh. o but the temptation was so strong--tired and stressed, we all wanted to be irritated about something (rent, planning, money, bills, dishes, where we'll go for our weekend venture, etc). but God gave us grace and the ability to walk in the spirit. what an amazing thing: life by the spirit.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Honesty of a Child

Today I realized that I cannot settle for the nominal, "normal" life; the cookie-cutter, perfect life. I suppose I've known this for all my life and have even articulated it, but I was especially hit with the weight of this today as I stepped into my classroom.

The child I've been observing this semester stood there, sharpening his pencil. I greeted Dylan with open arms, asking him how he was doing. I love the honesty in children; they say it like it is--no beating around the bush, no gloss and glam, no sugarcoat.

"How are you?" can be quite the loaded question with a variety of responses and expectations. I almost hate the saying because people usually don't respond with honesty. This is partly because they feel as though you expect them to say everything's just peachy-keen, while on the other hand they don't want to be vulnerable. Instead of taking the time to really see how we're doing, we just brush over the question with no weight, no thought, no care. O, we don't have time to open that can of worms; nope, not gonna go there today. Not getting into this vault, it's locked for safe keeping--like you're keeping the money for a rainy day or something--a special occasion. When really, today is just as good a day as any to bear your heart and share what's going on in your life and most importantly, in your heart. So I ask, "No, really, how are you?"

With Dylan, it only took my asking once, "I'm not going to be here long. My uncle shot himself. I got a funeral to go to." Whoa, like hit me with a ton of bricks. Gasp. I think I would have cried right then and there had he not sounded so candid and composed nor had I been so caught off guard. Thoughts and feelings racing through me like a raging river or out-of-control fire. What to do? What to say? I wanted to talk with him, counsel him, love him. Of course I had so much to say--my family's been through this with my mom. There's so much to suicide that not even I can understand to this day. O my heart wept for him.

"Dylan, were you close to your uncle?" "Yes, ma'am. Very close." Gulp...holding back a lump in my throat. I wanted to tell him it'd be okay. But it wasn't okay. And those words mean nothing in times like these, anyhow. I remember people consoling me, or so they thought. Good intensions but to no prevail. There's no way to accomodate such feelings of despair. The only comfort lies in the love of Christ. [not to say the thoughts and prayers are not wanted--support is definitely needed] The words are appreciated but they're so empty. Lackadaisical demeanor--no motivation to do anything. A state of nothingness. A hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach, yet something wrenching pulls at your innards. Of course, Dylan had not reached this state of grief yet--he remained in the shock of it all. Either that or his child-like resiliance shined through; probably a combination of the two.

I remember walking through those days in a daze. Most of my memories from that year cannot trace back to my feelings. There was a clear detachment. I was in a state of denial, I'd say. I suppose for quite some time. Looking at pictures during the first Christmas without my mom there is no feeling. Usually I know exactly how I was feeling during the time of the pictures--I remember the way I felt what I was doing etcetera, but not in these pictures; I don't think I even remember thinking of my mom on Christmas. It had not sunk in. Maybe she was just away on vacation. Maybe this was all just some bad joke, some bad dream. She would be there in the morning. But she never was.

I see the long journey of hurt Dylan is already traveling down. I wish I could stand in for all the suffering people go through. Thank you, Jesus, for already doing that! May You be with Dylan!

All of these thoughts raced through my mind, bringing me to the conclusion that this wasn't the time or place for talking to him about his uncle's death. So I hugged him.

The injustice of this world, this life floors me. It sends my blood shooting at some heinous speed. I want to put my foot down, make it all better. I cannot sit in my happy little life and be content, knowing that there is so much pain. That's where the Lord comes in and brings ease to my state. He will bring justice to this world. He will bring His love. And He is. Until His return, I want to serve Him well.

Sure I'm only one person, but I'm one person who can impact one more person for Jesus. I'm one person who can start a ripple in the stagnate water which could turn into blown out waves. By God's grace I can and will touch people for eternity. It's only by His strength and His grace and His mercy. I'm learning this more and more.

While writing, this song came on my iTunes [appropriate I thought]:

"Changes Come"
words: Bergquist/Detweiler
music: Bergquist
recording: OHIO

Changes come
Turn my world around

I have my father's hand
I have my mother's tongue
I look for redemption in everyone

I wanna wear your ring
I have a song to sing
It ain't over babe
In fact it's just begun

Changes come
Turn my world around
Changes come
Bring the whole thing down

I wanna have our baby
Somedays I think that maybe
This ol' world's too [messed] up
For any firstborn son

There is all this untouched beauty
The light the dark both running through me
Is there still redemption for anyone

Jesus come
Turn the world around
Lay my burden down
Turn this world around
Bring the whole thing down
Bring it down

Lord, do come.

Another case worth noting:
A child in Ms. Christie's class came to her the other day, with a pressing tone, needing to talk. She wrote Ms. Christie a letter telling her of a traumatic experience she had the previous day; she witnessed her neighbor being stabbed to death. On her way to school she accidently stepped in the puddle of blood. She drew a picture of the whole scene for the counselor. *long, somber sigh* Really, what the heck? As Ms. Christie showed me the letter, tears welled up in my eyes as I read, "...Ms. Christie, thinking about it makes my stomach hurt. ... I am scared to go back home. If you say I can come home with you I would be so happy. Just cirlce yes or no. Love, Lori xoxo"

These children constantly remind me of my deisre to impact people for Christ. They constantly remind me of how unfair this life is. How insignificant so many things are that apparently rule our lives at one point or another. They remind me of the love we all need. The love we desire to give. They sober me up.

Oh, Lord, may You prevail! Amen!

Stains too Deep

"Stains too Deep" 12.19.06

Took a walk today
Saw all there was to see
Nothin’ really—no, nothin’ at all

They say the streets are paved with gold
But somehow I saw it wasn’t so
Took a few steps in the direction of hope

But I kept on slippin’
I kept on slidin’
I kept on fallin’ in the mud

Stopped along the way
Lost a shoe
Fell off the track
Couldn’t find my way back

You said, “Be clean.”
You said, “Be pure.”

But I kept on slippin’
I kept on slidin’
I kept on fallin’ in the mud

I ended up with stains
Too deep to clean
Bruises and wounds
Bruises and wounds

In the distance I saw Your face
Your light blinding and ever-shining
Your glory touched all creation
The flower bud bloomed
And spoke your name

And that’s when I knew
I fell to my knees
The tears rolled down
A puddle on the floor

And that’s when I knew
The tear told me so
As it trickled down my face
Landed right before my feet

I couldn’t do it on my own
I needed you to carry,
To carry me through
Jesus, yes sir, I need you

Because I keep on slippin’
I keep on slidin’
I keep on fallin’ in the mud

So He took me by the hand
And carried me home

Woman and Child


"caught somewhere between a woman and a child" ...o the complexities of life... i find myself desiring the things of both a woman and a child...the funny thing is, i think that we will all find this to be true for the rest of our lives--at least to some extent. i hope to have the love of a woman and the heart of a child, the strength of a woman and the tenderness of a child, the tears of a woman and the laughter of a child, the wisdom of a woman and the joy of a child, the depth of a woman and the simplicity of a child, the experience of a woman and the curiosity of a child, the elegance of a woman and the playfulness of a child, the beauty of a woman and the youthfulness of a child...

Reading in Genesis


I've just finished Genesis recently and was completely enthralled by it--partly because of little expectation on my part and clearly because of its content. I'd have to say, maybe b/c it's the last thing I read, that the story of Joseph gripped me the most. There was a guest speaker in Qatar at Doha Fellowship and he actually taught using this story. I had never heard it before being that I'd never read through Genesis and was never a Sunday school attender when I was little (at least not enough to dive into Genesis that deep). Needless to say, God was using this story in all different areas of my life.

Character transformation has to be the most touching part of the story as well as forgiveness and reconciliation. Joseph started out as a tattle-tale and a prideful young man, boasting about how his brothers would bow down to him one day. "I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me." vs. 37:9 Over the course of his life, after being sold by his brothers and being sent to prison on false pretensions, he grew into quite the man of God. Still human with blunder, no doubt, but transformed all the more.

Something I admire is his willingness to give the credit to God as he was using the giftings God had given him. He was not about to take the glory. "Then Joseph said to them, 'Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.'" vs. 40:11 He claimed the power to be of God.

Joseph also handled change and challenge well. He clung to the Lord and allowed himself to be used in a mighty way. For example, when he was in prison he stepped out of his comfort zone as he went from the prophet to the interpreter.

Joseph aslo understood the importance of holiness and purity. He realized that committing such an act of adultery would not just be sinning against a man but also against the Holy God. "My master has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?" vs. 39:9 He stood his ground as Potiphar's wife attempted to seduce him. As a result he was sentenced to prison due to the lies of the woman; however, in the end, Joseph realizes the most important fact: "[man] intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." vs. 50:20

This very truth in vs. 50:20 can be spoken over his whole life as he extends grace to his 11 brothers, forgiving them completely. "'So then, don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.' And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them." vs. 50:21

As Joseph dealt with all of the "wahalas" (problems) in his life, Genesis speaks of him weeping 5 different times. One of the Bible's most intensely emotional scenes was when Joseph weeps so loudly people heard it in the next room, and Joseph's brothers were speechless with terror and guilt. "And he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard him, and Pharaoh's household heard about it. Joseph said to his brothers, 'I am Joseph! Is my father still living?' But his brothers were not able to answer him, because they were terrified at his presence.'" vs. 45:2-3

And of course...his dreams of prophecy came to fruition, for in the end his brothers did bow down to him...he was a leading man for the Pharaoh and saved the nation from famine, for God had given him a clear interpretation of a dream depciting 7 years of abundance and 7 years of famine. With this, he collected the crops and stored them away for the 7 years of famine to come. He distributed the food as needed and collected the money. Eventually his brothers were to come before him, not knowing it to be him....and the story goes--they bowed before him... "Now Joseph was the governor of the land, the one who sold grain to all its people. So when Joseph's brothers arrived, they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground." vs. 42:6

And....this is where we get the 12 tribes of Israel...the 12 sons of Jacob aka Israel.

"Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall. With bitterness archers attacked him; they shot at him with hostility. But his bow remained steady, his strong arms stayed limber, because of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob, because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel, because of your father's God, who helps you, because of the Almighty, who blesses you with blessings of the heavens above, blessings fo the deep that lies below, blessings of the breast and womb. Your father's blessings are greater than the blessings fo the ancient mountains, than the bounty of the age-old hills. Let all these rest on the head of Joseph, on th ebrow of the prince among his brothers." vs. 49:22-26

There are so many other good stories in Genesis but this one stood out to me the most--probably because I heard a teaching about it and Mary was reading it at the same time I was reading it so we could talk about it...regardless...I was greatly impacted...

A Day Indeed


Do you ever just have one of those days??…I mean, not necessarily where everything goes wrong, but in a sense it does…or just a day where everything seems to be out of the ordinary, bizarre you might say— only, the unordinary turns out to be the very reality of this world for many people.

Last night I went to bed with the assurance (Lord willing) of waking in the morning and continuing my scheduled day: observation at the school, work at Asbury, work at UCG, drive home by 11:30pm. I suppose the course of my prayer dictated a different day: “Lord, please help me to live each day as a new day. Lord, I do not want to become wrapped up in the daily routine.” This prayer weighs heavily on my heart, as I know how easy we fall into this trap we call ‘busyness.’

I did wake this morning by the Lord’s grace, and I did make my way to the school for observation. However, when I arrived a substitute resided in the classroom. Pulled from the classroom for teacher training, Mrs. Christie would not be returning until 10:30.

In chaos, the students knew they had an advantage over the sub and the two student observers. Of course, we had no outstanding rapport with the students, therefore, respect ceased to exist. I spent most of my time manning down the classroom, keeping students on task and stepping in between two students who seemed to be in rivalry with one another. I desired to understand the instigator of the two; talking with him I discovered his ambition to be a gangster when he grew up and his deep longing to shoot someone since he wishes to follow in the footsteps of 50 Cent . My naiveté did not allow me to discuss the rapper at any great depth, but the sub proceeded to tell this child that even 50 Cent had to go to school. The child responded, “No…he just shoot people.” My heart broke as this little 3rd grade white boy spoke only of what he knew. I could only imagine the home life he returns to each day. Burdened for him I prayed silently and processed every interaction from the morning.

I made my way home to grab some lunch before work. Once home I ate and decided to check my bank account and credit card account. Hmm…let’s just say I have some debt to pay off on my credit card. I just paid a bill only to find that since then a larger sum has accumulated due to large payments being made for text books and such. It pained me to witness the amount—realizing how broke I truly am. I still owe my parents $500 as well…all of this must wait until March when my loan goes through. Sigh…finances…I am at peace to know that my money belongs to the Lord and He is a great provider!

Dealing with the money stuff online I found myself running late to work. I pulled out of my neighborhood and discovered that a cop drove out of an abandoned drive and began following me. I turned onto Tabor when suddenly lights shone in the review mirror. Perplexed, I drove to the side of the road. … “Ma’am, do you know why you were pulled over?” In a state of confusion these words stumbled out of my mouth, “Um, uh, no, actually.” The officer replied, “Well you ran through the stop sign back there, so I’m going to have to give you a citation.” At first I was so confused that I didn’t know what to think. Then I thought, “Well, maybe I did a roll-stop out of my neighborhood—yes I suppose I did?” I sat in anticipation yet peace. Then the more I thought about it, I realized I could not receive a citation within a year that I had previously taken Defensive Driving (which that is another testimony in itself—a story of God’s conviction and rebuking in my life—but great redemption). I began to dwell on this and then started to hold back tears. Of all the times I’ve been pulled over for expired inspection stickers and speeding, I had never cried, but now the tears were coming. “Lord, please don’t let me cry, please don’t let me cry.” …blast…I’m crying! Compose yourself…the officer returned with a ticket to sign. “Great,” I thought, “thanks for letting me help you make your quota, buddy.” I think I was beginning to become slightly irritated that this man had no mercy or grace. Bam—a citation just like that. I think I was crying because I had not even realized I had failed to adhere to a stop sign. Apparently, I failed to, though. He proceeded, “You have ten days to go to court…” The tears came, “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying.” Truly, I didn’t—I had never cried before because I knew I was guilty, no question. I’m not about crying to try and get out of a ticket. Honesty is good and in the past I have received both judgment and grace. Now, however, I was feeling a bit of injustice. I drove off with my pink copy and tears welled-up in my eyes, now trickling down my face. “Lord, I feel so broken. I can’t afford to pay for this ticket. Why did you allow me to get a ticket? And before the year’s time? And for a roll-stop I don’t even remember doing? Oh Jesus, please help me with my finances!” At a loss I proceeded to work.

I arrived half an hour late. Not a big deal since someone was working at Ireland. Well, about half way through my 5 hour shift I was startled by a strange man, “Hey,” he said in a low, almost seductive voice. He continued, “How are you?” “Uh, fine,” I half-heartedly replied. “Are you a college student,” the voice continued. “Yea,” I said with little certainty. What was this guy getting at? He is too close for comfort. My booth door was open because the window at Asbury is very annoying and doesn’t open high enough, usually resulting in my ability to only see people from the neck down. I felt very uneasy. He said, “A lot of people like my car,” and then asked, “Do you like my car?” A million things shot through my mind—is this a distraction so that he can try to get in the booth and rob me while I’m looking at his car? Is he a little off in the head? Is he just socially inept? Should I look at his car? Oh Jesus, please make him go away. Please make him go away. With caution, I leaned slightly to look out the window to see his car parked outside of the garage…a jalopy at that with the front hood propped open. What was I to say to this? “Sure, I guess,” was the only response I could manage. Lord, please make him leave! He started to walk away and went back to his car. I shut the door and locked it, phoning Alex who was over at Ireland. I watched as the man sat in his car, then got out to shut the hood and walked back to the garage and passed the booth going toward the stairs, looking back at me a few times. Alex told me to call West Campus—so I did. By the time they sent someone out to me, the man apparently came around the outside of the garage and got in his car and drove off—so there was nothing wrong with his car as it had appeared earlier. (I had not been able to gather his license plate number due to the angle of the car as well as the fact that I was not going to get out of my booth b/c I did not know this man’s location or motives). The Scan officer walked down to the Custodial office to ask if this man worked with the department (I thought maybe he had??). According to my description, the man did. Some relief came to me, but there was still uneasiness about it all—and regardless, the whole situation was creepy. Lord, please protect me!

I walked out to my car and drove over to UCG for my second shift. This was to last until 11:15pm. Fortunately, this was a day filled with the unordinary. Gates apparently declared free parking at Koldus from 8:30-2am for Silver Taps. To mine and Ashley’s advantage, we were able to go home early. Walking out to my car I prayed for safety, for I felt that something else was going to happen on my way home. This day had been a little off already.

The gas light came on and I stopped at the usual gas station near home. While pumping gas, an older black man came walking through the parking lot, dressed in a worn suit. He was missing most of his top teeth. He was talking to himself and then began talking to me I guess since I was the only one who made eye-contact with him. He sat down next to my car and began telling me stories of Pearl Harbor and the war. He was genuinely interesting and honestly, I wanted to talk with him, but did not feel led to. After everything that had happened earlier and the fact that I was a woman by myself, I decided against it. I began walking for my car door, trying not to be rude but at the same time maintain alertness and discernment. He kept talking…I eased into my car telling him I had to go. He popped up quickly and came toward my car door. A little uneasy, but not fearful, I kept the door slightly open to hear what he had to say. He asked if I had any money I could give him. Unfortunately, I was broke myself and had none to give—no cash at hand anyway. He then said, “Just a bun, a piece of bread. Some dinner.” I shook my head with sadness as I had nothing to offer. “God bless you,” I said and shut the door. He smiled a genuine smile, hands in his pockets and walked away with a slight joy—something I could not understand with circumstances such as his. I drove off and began weeping. My heart broke as I realized this man’s desperation. “Oh Lord, this world and life is so unfair! Jesus, be with this man tonight. Bring him dinner, Lord.” I debated whether or not I should turn around and do something for him, but decided that at this point prayer would be the only proper thing to do. I drove home with the street lights blurred by my tears.

Here I have been today, put in several straining situations, grappling with the hardships of teaching, the homework I have, the bills I must pay, and the laws I apparently broke. Whereas this man could only wander around in hopes of crossing paths with a generous soul who might spare him a few dollars—maybe he’d eat tonight and if not there would always be tomorrow if the Lord wills. I dare to say this man had some mental issues, but at the same time, he was quite sincere and had a big heart.

I am not fully aware of everything that the Lord was trying to teach me today, but I do know that today I felt the depths of a reality many people live each day. I felt the burdens of a people I may usually disregard because of my own busyness, selfishness, or disassociation—perhaps a bit of each. I discovered my desperate need for the Lord in my life. For His protection, His provision, His discernment, His grace, and His Love. Oh Jesus, may we turn to you in times of brokenness and in times of joy. May we cry for others and share the burdens of the world. Jesus, may we be surrendered before You!

Broken CD Player


street lights blurred and flared into long streaks tonight as the mist spinkled my window. how easily my perception skewed and my line of vision became hazy with a clouded outlook. my thoughts drifted in and out-- time spent in the car always proves invaluable. whether crying out to God, searching my own heart, or simply accepting silence as a reprieve from work and school, this time provides opportunities for brilliant epiphanies.

the crisp air usually does one of two things: it either awakens me to a keen alertness or it paralyzes me with frigid stiffness. tonight, paralysis seemed to kick in. a beanie, gloves, and jacket didn't suffice.

since my car cd player broke i find myself singing aloud most of the time--either that or tuning in to MPR until it becomes so liberal i can't take it anymore. my car fights for KSBJ but half the time the lyrics weave in and out of "praise Jesus"..--to--.."homie-g-dog" gangster rap. i become more irritated attempting to hear "blessed be your name" than if i just shut the radio off, so sometimes i drive in silence. to my surprise, this time has been needed more than ever this semester. so many things plague my heart--sometimes i flat out have wrestling matches in my car. this is a good thing. some of the sweetest times i have during my day are spent with the Lord in my car. i suppose i can sacrifice my music for a few extra minutes in the car of silence before the Lord--it has worked out quite well thus far. ...that's not to say i don't miss my cd player--b/c by all means--I do miss it! however, God is blessing my time I have to seek Him out while driving.

i sense the need to bask in God's creation...when trapped in the city for too long i become antsy with desire to be free in nature. sometimes a park around town will just have to do, holding me over until my next trip to the beach or camping somewhere in the woods. honestly, the beauty of the Lord resides in His creation--and this is where my soul is set free.

tomorrow i shall observe in the classroom during TAKS...may the spirit of stress be cast off of those children and teachers! bring peace, Jesus, bring peace.

'tis a glimpse


the day dragged on in what i suppose we call incessant fog and/or mist...the sun never really came out. i suppose i wouldn't have known if it had anyhow, being couped up in the cell all day at work. 9 hours is rough especially after 3 hours of observation in the classroom. these days just drag on. praise God for laughter. tonight the hallways in koldus echoed with laughter from ashley and me. the garage filled with cars keeping us busy all night--no reading accomplished-- no, however, much needed laughter. because of TAKS i was dismissed early today, so i had the opportunity to come home for a few hours before the taxing nine hours. i busted out the guitar and flute. it was either that or the books--and well, my soul just couldn't take the books today.

i long to see my family--my sister called tonight. so good to hear her voice. truly. i regretted that my time was divided between "One-fifty, please," and "So are you excited for Prom and graduation?" However, the conversation was lovely. i hope to return home for spring break and hit the Guadalupe River with my sister. i haven't been tubing in ages--one of my favorite past times as a child. here's a vignette i wrote a while ago:

ConCan, Texas

The water rushed between my toes, sweeping up the bread with it. Regardless, the minnows continued coming, simply accepting my toes as food without the bread. The water crept closer, then finally seeping into my shorts. Cold. Wet. However, refreshing. I inched closer as to sit in the shallow shoreline of the river. The minnows fled. I ran my fingers through the gravel, sporadically picking up rocks. I rummaged through several until I found one that satisfied my demands for what looked like a good skipping rock. Content. I stood up and aimed with much precision and then threw the rock across to the other side watching it skip perfectly in a manner of three trials. A slight breeze soared by, gently rustling my hair while providing a revitalizing boost of energy from a sudden chill.

I never finished-- 'tis a glimpse.

Occasionally i dream of going back to those days for a brief time, just to remember the simplicity of life. to remember my mom. the moment lasts but for an instant and then i lapse back to the present. the Lord has taken me on many journeys: some adventurous, some trying, some monumental, some tragic. however, He remains constant and has sought me through it all. o how the Lord restores-- thank you, Lord, for filling any void.

"You give and take heart will choose to say, 'Blessed be Your name!'"

Love --something of tremendous depth and purity-- when in Christ

I was rummaging through some old writings and seem to have gotten on a vignette-kick. here's one i wrote for my 10th grade enlgish class--now this really takes me back:


Hey! I’ve got an idea. Let’s make a clubhouse, I say.

No, we did that yesterday, he replies.

Okay, let’s play on the trampoline?

Dyanne, Randy, time to eat, Mom yells.

We sit up, and I toss the grass I was playing with on the ground. Randy makes his last wish and blows the rest of the dandelion into the air. We run across the yard, racing.

I can smell the doughnuts before I get to the door. My mom always makes homemade doughnuts in the summer. Randy and I sit in the living room with our lunch on the tv-tray. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. We live for our Ninja Turtles. Donatello is mine. Michelangelo is Randy’s. And April, the reporter, she’s my hero.

Hurry, turn it up, Randy says. And he points to the remote as he pokes at his grilled cheese sandwich.

I turn it up and scoot to the edge of the couch. I can’t miss a second.

Hey! That was mine, Marilyn protests.

I look at Randy to see the doughnut he snatched from my sister. My mouth waters, so I hurry to finish my lunch. Doughnuts. That’s all I can think about.

Finally, Mom comes in to bring us dessert. She swaps our plates for two doughnuts each. Yum, yum.

As she walks by, I can smell her perfume. She is wearing my favorite scent this week.

We finish eating and decide to go back outside. This time we go out the front, searching for new things to do.

Randy says, Let’s pick berries, maybe my mom will make us a pie.

I head towards the field. It separates our houses. I love the field. It’s our racetrack for my go-cart. It’s our kick-ball field. Our playground. Our fun. Our imagination. Our adventure.

We get to the edge of the fence, and I walk in the brush behind my house. I always go first. Randy wipes the sweat from his forehead and follows. I watch for snakes. I’m in shorts. High adventure in the jungle.

We don’t get far before we hear the ice-cream man. I quit reaching for the berries I had my eyes on and swing around. Randy is already off and running towards the street.

We are too late. I don’t have a dollar anyway.

Hey, do ya here that?

The neighbors fighting again.

Randy and I hide behind Steve’s truck and listen to them bat it out.

Randy stands up finally. I uncross my legs and we make our way back home.

There will be no hide-and-go-seek tonight. It’s the last night of summer. Tomorrow is school. Sigh.

We play in my garage. Fiddle with the dartboard. Dance to music. Then my mom calls me in to take a bath. See ya around, Randy, I say.

Randy parades across our field back to his house. There goes my best friend. I look at the sunset and hear the nature around me. Freedom ends tomorrow. I’m growing up. I go inside and shut the door.

Summer doughnuts. Ninja Turtles. Friendship. Childhood. Summer. Life’s simplicities kept me content.

Vicotry, Amen


I guess I haven't been very diligent in naming my entries...maybe I'll start. There's always a first for everything.

And today I learned how to fight. Not physically of course (ha, I can see it now--me kicking someone to the ground??--ha) No, I took one more step in the spiritual battle. The long haul. The invisible yet blatantly obvious once recognized. The most misunderstood. The subtle, persistant fight in the spiritual realm. The fight for your soul. The fight for your joy. The fight for your strength. The fight for your heart. The fight for your life.

Breaking ground, I recognized the attack from the start. The attack of depression. It's been a long journey, but once the Lord teaches you how to fight, it's a win-win situation. The attacks come in different forms and fashions. Some sudden and strong. Others ease their way in like the tide--those usually are the harder ones to detect.

Today it was sudden. Recognize it. Capture it. Renounce it. Give it to the Lord. Satan has no right to my soul, nor to my joy-- in the name of Jesus! Victory is won. Amen! And it was! Selah!

"May the joy of the Lord be your strength."

Woe to Meaninglessness


Tonight the long, drawn-out yawns invaded me as I worked and then drove home. You know--the ones that relax the entire body, deliver oxygen to your brain. The ones that make you blink way too many times afterwards in order to remove the tears. Once they start they keep on coming, like waves. Those are the ones.

Here I have fallen prey to doing what I didn't want to do--talking about my day rather than solely the things God is teaching me. I suppose, the context of my life shall help one to understand the things God reveals to me. Hence, I shall speak of my day.

This morning the alarm went off. No sound of singing birds. Laid my head back down--I knew then it was a rainy day. Woke late-- justified by my late night I suppose.

Work drew near. I had to stand out at Reed for the basketball game today, taking people's money-- in the rain no less. I feel bad doing it sometimes. But I do it because that's my job. The first hour no cars approached, so I sang out loud (literally) with all my heart, songs of praise to the Lord. As people began appraoching I wondered how so many people could enjoy going to game after game after game. Especially these older folk that all they live for is Aggie tradition, sports, and spirit. What a waste. I guess I'd much rather go have a good conversation over coffee, cuddle up in front of a fire and read with some soft music in the background (say Norah Jones), go stargazing, or walk the shoreline. Or journal for that matter. People watch. I suppose a game now and then can be fun--just not my preference. Hats off to the ones who love it. Seriously. It gives me a job anyway.

I read through Ecclesiastes tonight. Sometimes I feel like the "teacher" who claims, "Meaningless! Meaningless! Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless." And it is, outside of Christ. I love that Job contrasts with Ecclesiastes yet comes to the same question and conclusion: Job suffers greatly and questions the meaning of life while the "teacher" has great wealth and yet still questions the meaning of life; both come to conclude that men must fear God and keep His commandments.

Blessed Birthday

//February 27, 2006//

The sunrays shone radiantly through the trees, cascading long shadows past me as I lay in the hammock. O beautiful sunrise. Longing for this weather, it finally arrived.

One of the most blessed birthdays as of yet, for friends and family showered me with phone calls and thoughtful gestures. My grandma called to sing Happy Birthday as usual, brightening my day. Many friends called, posted notes on Facebook, an email from my Aunt, birthday cards in the mail, a text message and phone call from my sister, a call from my Pap, personal calls from my parents, and even a long distance call from Alyn in the Middle East! Dinner with my roommates, flowers, little gifts, a free movie voucher...Praise Your name, Lord! You are too good to me! Humbled by the blessings of today, I can only praise Your name!

Clear skies, I baked out in the Academic Plaza for a few hours-- some alone time and some time meeting with friends. The flag waved proudly with the tide of the wind, sending a soft, oh-so-familiar rapping noise as the flag beat and snapped in the wind; it's shadow danced in the grass playfully.

Confetti cake--a sweet memory of the past-- brought to recollection tonight when my roommates presented a homemade cake. My mom always baked a double layer, heart shaped confetti cake for my birthday with homemade frosting. My eyes never left her; I watched intently as she prepared this masterpiece. Oh how I admired her craftiness--oh how I knew her love for me. She doted on me as any mother would dote on her child. Not just any cake. No, a special cake indeed. When she turned her back, I'd take a swipe of frosting from the edge of the cake. Mmm, nothing beats Mom's homemade frosting. She meticuously spread the frosting. I helped but could never do it as smoothly and perfectly as Mom. She's a pro, I thought. The cooling racks held the cake up on a pedastal, making it easier to cover in frosting. Some how, my Mom never missed a spot. I always seemed to leave gaping holes as I ran out of frosting, while parts were spread too thin and others were in big globs. Frustrating. I eventually let Mom have the butter knife back--I let her finish it off. Beautiful. Now the hardest part: waiting, waiting until it's time to cut the cake. Those were the magic words: "Time to cut the cake." Once I got old enough Mom even let me cut my first piece. Big moments. Mom never let me eat in just an ordinary setting--she always decorated. Birthdays are special, she said. Streamers, twisted-like and pretty. Mom always made me feel like a princess. As much of a tomboy that I was, something about feeling like a princess appealed to me--spoke tenderlly to my heart.

Had a great conversation with my Dad. Apparently, if he had not been put in my life, then I might not be here today (confused? well, he's not my biological dad but is nonetheless, my Dad and always has been). He recaptured a memory of when I was very young and started choking on a hotdog. He said that if he hadn't been there I probably would have died since all my mom could do was scream and shake me. Ha, a serious matter but comical. I can just see my mom freaking out. My dad had to give me the heimlich maneuver. Certainly, that's not the only reason he's been in my life. O how I love my Dad. I think the sweetest story he tells is how he used to hold me in his arms when I was a baby and he would play guitar. How he could pull that off, I dunno. I was tiny and he had big arms, I suppose. He's Dad--dads can do almost anything, right? Maybe that is the reason I have such an affinity for guitar--he started me young.


//February 28, 2006//

Nothing too spectacular today besides the weather! Even though I had to work away the day, I at least got to work at Asbury and keep the door open, enjoying this amazing day (at least as much as you can at work). I wanted to bail! Gosh it was gorgeous!

Sitting in the booth at Northside Garage, a dragonfly landed on my paper ever so suddenly yet inconspicuously. He proceeded to accept my finger as a perch. Then, just as he had appeared he flew off into the open sky, disappearing. Summer's a comin' right 'round the bend. I checked the status for my YMCA application and it is being processed right now. Things will fall into place by God's grace. Colorado, here I come.

Tonight is Andrea Bocelli and the like. I'm in a love-romance and oldies mood-- music wise that is. Gotta have some Natalie Cole, Celine Dion, the Carpenters, Patsy Cline, Frank Sinatra, Unchained Melody etc.. Oh, and No Woman No Cry--a little different genre, but a sweet song at that. Some others I won't list out...this music makes me feel like I should be in NY City or somethin'. Perhaps. When I get to the reggae I know I should be walking down the beach and not sitting in this room!

Sweat, Beauty


The rhythmic pattering of my feet gliding across the terrain kept my breathing steady. Tomato skin--sunburned or overheated--I'm not exactly sure. A sweat broke out and my muscles stretched as they exercised--a rejuvenating feeling indeed. Wind alleviated the heat and exhaustion. I never used to like running, although I participated on the Track team (well, in junior high--that hardly counts). Running today, I realized that I never enjoyed running until my senior year of high school when I began running out of no obligation to a team. I am not one for competition except within myself. I recall one night when Ray explained how he loved to compete with himself and would try to beat his own time. I couldn't help but chuckle because I completely understood the honesty of it. I suppose I can enjoy running these days simply because I choose not to compete with anyone other than myself. It's a time to get away, be alone, exercise, pray, push myself forward, relieve stress, the likes. I don't really see running as a social thing unless I can run with someone that keeps the slow and steady pace like myself--or maybe if they run a tad faster as to keep me challenged and moving onward.

Wisps of hair framed her face and the twinkle in her eye spoke of purity and youth. Beautiful indeed--only she didn't know it, nor did she believe it. I often think things like this when I witness the insecurity of women. They are beautiful. So many lies they believe. So many lies this world speaks to them. If only they (I should say "we") could see how God sees them. Ha--oh how I speak this to myself as well. We all experience those times of insecurity, no doubt. Sometimes a woman just needs to hear that she is beautiful.

Buzzing Crowd


Today I experienced what I would call a mild degree of a panic attack. Never had one before--just to clarify. It went sort of like this: Driving to school I started becoming short of breath. Realizing that I was very apprehensive about giving my speech today, I started praying, "Lord what is this? Usually I am at peace about things like this...and have at least never been this stressed." My blood felt like it was racing and I'm pretty sure my heart beat was unusually high. Even now, talking of it makes my breath shallow once more. Walking to class, I started singing praise songs, renouncing this attack. What was it? Where did it come from? Why? Was it a spiritual attack? Was it something God wanted me to experience? Was it ligitimate in that I was not relying on God, so I was freaking out? I felt very scatter-brained and unprepared. I was fourth to give my speech and by now, I was feeling very uneasy--shallow breathing, fast heart beat, the whole drama. I can't remember going through something like this since before I knew the Lord. And never to this extent of not being able to breath. Region Band and flute auditions were always a traumatic experience but I can't ever remember not being able to breathe. I raced through my speech. Blanking out a couple times, losing my spot. To the class I seemed mostly calm and delivered an effective speech. But the drama going on inside proved ridiculous. At the end of my speech I felt as if I had run a marathon, out of breath and exhausted. A little dumbfounded.

...This all reminds me a little of something I wrote at the beginning stages of my walk with the Lord:

Clinching my teeth, the pace of my heart hastened as I jerked to capture the glass I nearly lost to the kitchen tile. As if reminders to slow down, spontaneous moments such as these keep me from neglecting what matters most: the Life. As the hands of time pursue their endless journey, the reality of what remains true and worthwhile becomes transparent. For so long I lived in a rush, a hurry to do everything, out of breath and dumbfounded by my own clouded paradigms. With the blink of an eye, I was slapped with the hand of reality as my world was turned upside down; my grandfather passed away, shortly followed by the end to my two and a half year relationship. My whole perception of life came into focus, and the clouds that had once obstructed my view evaporated....At age eighteen, several life-changing experiences and accomplishments have woken me from my slumber just in time to catch the glass before it shattered. With the grace of God, I have been given another chance to approach life in a different, more effective and appreciative way--with purpose.

Thank you, Jesus, for changing my life and transforming me! I am a work in progress, no doubt.

Even as I went to work, my breath stayed shallow. Praying over this and talking through this with a friend, I realized that God allowed me to experience such an attack partly on behalf of some friends who struggle with panic attacks. Never really experiencing one, I could not relate. Having had a mild one, I now understand the serverity of them. They hinder you in ways you wouldn't imagine. Part of being an intercessor is sharing the other person's burden. God definitely allowed me to bear this burden of panic attacks. Lord, we bind any spirit of anxiety and cast it off of us! In the name of Jesus! Lord bring your peace and cover us in your blood. In the name of Jesus, we declare freedom from all attacks of satan. Send your angels of protection! Amen!

After work tonight I met up with Macie and Rachel at Jason's Deli--my first time to go there, ever! I was quite impressed actually. And, there's free icecream at the end! O, o pick me, I want some icecream! I was realizing how much I like being frugal--it helps me to really appreciate things more when I have the privilege of enjoying them! It was packed tonight-- I suppose I enjoy the more relaxing environment with a slower pace (not to say I can't enjoy the fast paced craziness of a crowd but I prefer the more laid back atmosphere). With that, the buzzing of the crowd wore me out. I called it a night and headed home. We debated over what to do, but laying out a pallet of blankets and pillows, watching a good movie sounded much more appealing to me than a night out around town--at least tonight. So now I am journaling, waiting for Sarah to arrive. We're planning to watch The Shawshank Redemption on our TV that's way too small to see!

I ran into Mark the other day at the church office and we ended up having a good "God conversation" as usual. Something that we came to conclude--which I had never really considered until then--was that our flesh has a great tendency to enjoy suffering, both physically and emotionally. Have you ever caught yourself thinking, even for a brief moment, while you were getting sick that you actually wanted to get sick-- for whatever reason (maybe so that someone will care for you and feel sorry for you or to just lay in bed for days)??? Or how about the times we find ourselves wanting to chew on the past and dwell in self-pity and grieve over the same thing we've grieved over a hundred times already?? There is some truth to this, so don't blow it off. You'll notice now if you haven't already. The flesh enjoys suffering.

Moonlight glowed on her face. Only a sliver tonight--a treasure cat smile. A cheesy grin but a romance from the Creator, beckoning us to His side. Clear skys save the moonlit wisps still lingering from the day, settling in for the night. Crickets chime away, singing for their mate to appear. A soft drone of the day silently echos, reinforcing the longevity of each day, yet the fading season forcasts the brevity of life. Flowers bloom and the cold moves out. The mark of another beginning. And the tides begin to change.



"Mmm....missions" has been quite the cry of my heart since I have known the Lord. As of late my heart has been entangled with unsettling emotion and feelings about it--not really having any direction. I've decided that it's okay for a season. Partly, I know that that is why God wants me in Colorado all summer--to seek Him and His vision for my life as well as to continue uprooting insecurities that hinder ministry. So many paths-- full-time ministry, teaching, marriage, missions (where, when, how long???), children, incorporating writing and music in ministry... I have no focus right now other than each day that comes. I suppose I do have somewhat of a vision but still, I needed word on where my heart was.

Journaling and praying the other night I made it a point to ask God specifically for direction and just what the heck is going on with where my heart stands. He spoke--not the answer I thought I'd hear, but definitely an answer. God revealed some founded truths about missions. I realized the reality of missions. Painstaking. Dirty. Sacrificial. Motives must be for His Purpose and His Name and His Glory. Not for self and not even for the people. In the big scheme of things, it's all about Him. Now, He cares about us, so don't discount that. But if we go for the purpose of ourselves or others, we will be picked off and devoured. Only the strength of the Lord will sustain--only going for Him will lend to perseverance. Sure, traveling is great, cultures are great, and it's a glorious thing to do for the Lord, but motives must be in the right place. Sure, these are all things I've "known" and have been taught, but actually realizing them and accepting them is slightly different. Now I am beginning to really "know." I know that my heart is for missions, but I have no idea what that means. I'm sure I will go at least for a year trip some time in my life, but I really don't know what God has in store for me. I don't even have direction. I feel like I am supposed to learn Spanish flutently, yet I also feel like I should be overseas at one point. Spain? Not really where my heart is right now. Heck, I've got no clue. O Lord, do give me direction. All this to say, the Lord has me right where He wants me for now (I think). I was put at peace about everything, knowing that the Lord takes us along each babystep at a time. Right now the Lord must refocus my motives a little and train, equip, and prepare me for whatever ministry He calls me to--whether it be to send or go, do music, write, raise a family, etc. He knows. I don't have a mirror to see around every corner but that's okay. He's in control. Selah!

The issue of support-raising has come up again. Talking with Sarah today I questioned why I can have amazing testimonies of God's provision and then fall back to the seed of doubt. Clearly, I should have no doubt after some of the testimonies He has given me. Not the case. Then I wonder, how is it that sometimes I forge on in complete faith and can be quite the risk taker simply because of my faith, while other times I walk in more caution or rather hindering doubt. Sarah, reminded me of how often God had to remind the Israelites of what He had done for them. Heck, they had walked across the parted Red Sea and they still doubted God. This lends a little comfort to my own propensity to doubt. She also reminded me that sometimes God allows us to doubt so that we will remember everything that He has done. Oh how glorious. God is so good. And He will provide. I am believing Him for it!

One of the lessons in Perspectives has always stuck with me. It was about Exodus and how one of the main purposes of this mission was to spread God's name. A point from this lesson was made about His timing. How perfect it always is--how He always seems to swoop down in the last minute and do amazing things--all for His glory. i.e. parting the Red Sea! Right at the last minute...I think about my first summer of LT. I could not send off my letters for LT until mid to end of April and we were to leave in May. God poured out abundantly and all the money needed came through within the first week or so after I mailed off the letters. Amazing. Don't doubt God's provision.

I always come back to this passage:

Matthew 6

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?

28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Beyond the Surface


I've been reading through Leviticus and The Provacative Church. Both of which are teaching me many things.

Leviticus is not your fun-read per se; however, if you really dig deep it has so much to offer--Last night I read chapters 11-15 and became very overwhelmed by the number of rules, regulations, and procedures. Well, when looking closer, I realized that God's not some aloof, power-driven dictator who created puppets to follow His every order. In fact, many of these procedures were simply for health purposes--for the people's well-being. Before science had proven that germs existed and hands should be washed etc., God said it. Numerous times He said to wash, to separate the sick ("unclean") from the rest of the camp, to be examined by the priest, etc. He called the people to isolate the disease and be cleansed, as not to contaminate others. Leviticus also explains what foods could or couldn't be eaten. Pig was on the list of "not to eat." Today we know that pig meat carries a lot of parasites and such which probably could have killed people if they were to have eaten it. Interesting indeed. Now reading in the commentary of my Bible this is simply a theory. I think it stands pretty good ground, however.

The Provacative Church...this has been quite a refreshing read--just reminding me of how important, how vital relationship is. Love for the church and love for people must exist. This comes easier to me it seems, as I genuinely love people and want to know them and hear their stories. On the other hand, I find my own story to be the issue at times. I've been challenged as I delve into the need for living a life that draws people in. Makes people question. Provokes others to want whatever it is that I have which has transformed me. Naturally more reserved, I often feel I am a bore to others-- my insecurity lies in my desire to be more of an entertainer. Then people would be drawn in--right? False. God can use what He has made. He can use quiet people, who are better one-on-one, who prefer discussing things below the surface. I struggle with surface level conversations. Today the Lord gave three divine appointments to talk with friends I have not seen in months. No beating around the bush, we talked about matters of the heart. I loved it, they loved it-- I suppose my issue remains on the surface of how to relate to people in the beginning. I like to be real, down to earth, honest, and sincere. So all this pish posh about the weather and who won the last football game etc...I just can't relate so well. Now I'm just ranting and going off on a people: Loving them and being a source of light that draws them to God--yes--that's the ultimate purpose--bringing them to worship which brings glory to God.

Yesterday God gave me a great metaphor. He tends to do that a lot. One hour between work shifts, I moseyed on over to the church office to say hi to Sarah. Waiting in the George Bush/ Texas Ave. intersection to turn--you know--the crazy one that raises your blood pressure because of the chaos. Well, in the turn lane I sat calmly, watching everyone speed by in a hurry. Truly, pandemonium, people in a frinzy--so it seemed. Cars zoomed by, some looked as if they were headed straight for me. In the eye of the storm, I felt at peace. What a perfect image of what this life is like in Christ. Complete chaos in this world--some orderly and some not. All the while, the Lord sustains and brings peace. Everything around raced as with importance or rather no direction except fleeing from something with great urgency. I sat, calm and collected, in the arms of my Lord.

Poor in Spirit


what a day indeed.

Tonight Tom Short talked to our Homegroup. He opened with some amazing testimonies of all the great things God's doing around the world. God's pouring out His spirit around the world, building up His church...some incredible stuff to think about. He reminded us to look beyond ourselves, obtaining an eternal perspective and a world perspective.

A question surfaced as to why America does not see more miracles as say Africa or some other foreign place. Something someone had told Tom regarding this question exists: Because Americans are not poor in spirit. Okay--so what does that mean? Define "poor in spirit."

poor in spirit- knowing your spiritual poverty; knowing the depths of your need for God; not allowing yourself to be self-sufficient

Believers in other countries tend to know the power of prayer and they pray for everything--everything. They pray as if their prayers are going to make a difference. Here we can pray with apathy and little faith ("if it's your will"). They pray with authority and desperation, crying out to God, knowing that God is the only answer and help. Here in America we can buy happiness or at least a substitute. If we're sick we can take medicine. We don't know real poverty and hunger. In these other places, all these people have is God. If He doesn't come through with a miracle, then they may die. Here in America we are too self-sufficient--relying on ourselves, science, etc. Faith has diminished and we are no longer poor in spirit because we have allowed other things to substitute our need for God. What a deadly thing. Oh God, may we be desperate for You!

Silence and a Tear for You


Spontaneity in the Lord--I love it! Instead of coming straight home last night I decided to call some peep in my HG, soon discovering that they were still in Austin at Justin's house. I scratched my original plan to go home and headed for Austin. God-given wisdom, power of the Holy Spirit, a listening ear, sweet prayer, much needed fellowship, and a closer look into the spiritual warfare...all of these things met me in the Gardner's home as I made a visit for the night. Thank you Lord for tending to my desire for spontaneity and moving mightily.

Home alone today I've had some refreshing time to myself. I find that I often need my alone time to reflect and think through things as well as journal, pray, and worship-- not to mention, dream and ponder the depths of life and my heart.

Silence filled the house. Sometimes silence must be. We fill ourselves with so much noise these days--whether it be conversation, internal chatter, t.v., music, or the business of others around us--there always seems to be cacophany. Appreciation of silence. I am truly a lover of music but one who most definitely appreciates the silence between notes. Sometimes that is what makes for a pivotal moment in a song: the drawn out silence, a brief break in the measure and chord, a moment to breathe or perhaps to hold your breath, a moment of expectancy and apprehension, suspension. These silences I appreciate in music I have come to love in life as well. Honestly. The silence gives opportunity for God to speak--not so much of me blabbing or tuning Him out because of all the distractions. Rather I can focus in on Him and hear what He is saying and conveying.

God works in mysterious ways, no doubt. May we never place God in a box (so cliche, I know). We do it all the time, though! We either believe Him to work in this one specific way or we don't have enough faith to believe Him at all. When we pray, He will move--just not always how we anticipate. // Our conversation became engrossingly intent and intense. My dad cried out with his hand held out, "One drop of water and I'll believe. That's all I ask for, one drop of water. Can you pray for that? One drop of water. If God's so powerful, then He can at least give me one drop of water." Tears rolled down my face and words came spilling out, "Dad, have my tears. That is your drop of water." // He couldn't see it. God did answer his prayer. Perhaps not a rain drop from the sky or a magic cloud inside our house, but He did give my dad that drop of water. May we not test God nor question His approach to answering our prayers. He does answer them, just not always in the way we expect. Hallelujah for that!

I've been reading about the spiritual warfare as of late...amazingly intense. Much of what we see resides on the surface. We must go deeper and see beyond, looking into the soul of someone and realizing his dire need for God. People are broken. The root lies in the spiritual. Great voids plague the heart of mankind. People are controlled by satan and his legions. To look past the person and to see the culprit behind the scenes is the beginning to understand the spiritual. Wars contend every second of the day and night--in the spiritual. May we not remain blind to the workings of God nor satan. Both are at work; however, One is greater than the other--AMEN! A great verse to go back to:

10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.19Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

It's a Revolution, Baby


Dude, God's been doing some intense work as of late. He has opened doors much bigger than I had ever imagined. He's been answering prayers left and right--seriously--what an amazing God we have.

//churn, stir, engulf//

look inside the heart
a coffin with maggots
in need of cleansing

the gates of hell
the gates of heaven

scales stripped away
hearts, minds, eyes
seeing and hearing

the deceit of satan
the victory of God

demons rise up
angels surround
God triumphs

the curse of sin
the forgiveness of sin

hearts entangled
poisons consume
bondage enslaves

lies tie down
light sheds truth


so long, far off
wait patiently, it comes

faith rides in like the tide
the demons flee like the wind
a battle wages on

injustice remains
Hope remains

He Is
He Comes
The Alpha and the Omega




Got to class today and realized that my extra credit poem was due... I thought to myself, wondering how it is that no matter how hard I try to do things on time or be organized some how I end up "failing" (i use that word loosely). I like to say I am just organized in a different way and am on a different time schedule. I mean, really though, I had all break to write a poem for crying out loud. Not that I was stressed about it--I did write one off the cuff, but it's the whole principle of the matter.

I suppose I am organized in a sense that I do get things done and I do consider myself responsible--but usually things come together at the last minute--in God's timing to be honest or so I like to believe. I manage my time so that people come first. I could have written that poem last night but instead ended up spending the entire night with people (when I say night I mean 'til 3:30am)--and worthy conversations I might add. Above people comes my time with God. So in all honesty, school comes third or fourth on my list of priorities.

I wrestle with this because God does call us to be faithful stewards of our work and the things He's entrusted to us. God's not only entrusted school to me but also people. That I do know. And I do know that God calls us to tithe our time for Him. He honors that and will bless us for it. That is how I can explain school: It is all in God's strength and multiplied time.

We had to write about insects. Naturally, I wrote of music and love:

// O Starry Night of Song //

Chirping in the night

His song lures me in

How swift he sings

A fascination

Rubbing his wings together,

He calls to love

With stars above, brilliant moon

Moseys along through the field

Trees enclose—a canopy of shadows

A steady rhythm, he keeps beat

My heart slows to his pace

Crisp night air refreshes

A manner of crawl and hop,

He travels lightly

Making way for morning to come

O cricket

A song to my ears

A melody in nature

A rhythm of love

With white, almost neon, flashes of light. The labryinth of bolts filled my eyes. It's not often that CS receives "thunder" storms. Quite a treat indeed. Sometimes I long for the storms I used to experience in H-town. I love when the thunder rolls in and the night sky radiates with wild fire. Back in the day, I mustn't have been a day past six, I believed lightening existed from the gigantic flash on God's camera. You see, I always had a childlike faith in a creator and a farfetched imagination, so this conclusion came easily. I used to pose for Him--ha, I can't write this without a little embarrassment and definitely without chuckling--but it's true. I was a ham for the camera; well, not for everyone. There was a time when I was going to be in a Chucky Cheese commercial but I wouldn't talk, so the job fell through. Anyway, thunderstorms alwasy fascinated me. My sister on the other hand--she feared the storms, running into my room late at night. The big sister that I am and the jerk that I was, I only let her stay if she'd listen to me sing my choir songs and if she'd tell me a story. O dear. Funny to think about. Even looking back to those days, I see such filth in my heart--oh how I thank God for transformation of the heart! And a continued transformation at that!

Spring's most certainly here. Flowers in bloom, love in the air, insects flourishing, lil' rain showers, the whole shabang. Lovely, quite lovely.

Just to wet the pallet...Reading from Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson

First, the simple perception of natural forms is a delight. The influence of the forms and actions in nature, is so needful to man, that, in its lowest functions, it seems to lie on the confines of commodity and beauty. To the body and mind which have been cramped by noxious work or company, nature is medicinal and restores their tone. The tradesman, the attorney comes out of the din and craft of the street, and sees the sky and the woods, and is a man again. In their eternal calm, he finds himself. The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired, so long as we can see far enough.

But in other hours, Nature satisfies by its loveliness, and without any mixture of corporeal benefit. I see the spectacle of morning from the hill-top over against my house, from day-break to sun-rise, with emotions which an angel might share. The long slender bars of cloud float like fishes in the sea of crimson light. From the earth, as a shore, I look out into that silent sea. I seem to partake its rapid transformations: the active enchantment reaches my dust, and I dilate and conspire with the morning wind. How does Nature deify us with a few and cheap elements! Give me health and a day, and I will make the pomp of emperors ridiculous. The dawn is my Assyria; the sun-set and moon-rise my Paphos, and unimaginable realms of faerie; broad noon shall be my England of the senses and the understanding; the night shall be my Germany of mystic philosophy and dreams.

...All men are in some degree impressed by the face of the world; some men even to delight. This love of beauty is Taste. Others have the same love in such excess, that, not content with admiring, they seek to embody it in new forms. The creation of beauty is Art.

...Some good stuff...

Today in my speech class I realized that one reason I'm drawn to writing is because people cannot interrupt me. Granted, this is, by far, not the sole reason for my love of writing but most definitely a reason (though not always acknowledged). You see, I'm not the greatest story teller or entertainer. I fare better in small groups and I am often soft spoken. Many times my thoughts are more abstract and the important things to me may be of no importance to others. I'd rather not talk with someone if they divide their attention and find no interest in what I'm saying (I've been told that I'm a focused person when talking with others so I suppose I like the same in return...I'd like to believe most people want focused attention when they have something to say). My thoughts often become muddled and can only then stream out clearly through paper and pen. Big groups sometimes muffle my thoughts and speech. Writing captivates the audience and if they're not interested then they don't have to read and I don't have to know about it (is that cowardly? perhaps). Writing allows me to express everything I desire to and to hold back everything I wish to hold back. Disclaimer: Writing serves as a self-expression, a release, a way to communicate, and a form of therapy. However, it never will suffice for a good conversation. It can never subsitiute for a person. The dynamics are completely different although overlapping can exist. I'm just rambling...pretending to talk of something I really know nothing of.

Goals. that's a topic which encompasses a vast array of entities. My next speech for my comm. class deals with the very issue of goals: what are my goals and where can I see myself in the next 5, 10, 15 years. *Puzzled look* Oh if I only knew, then this wouldn't be so hard. The funny thing, God's been teaching me to be content with not knowing what the future holds and to just trust. Now, for class I must ponder these issues. I suppose I'll throw out the usual answers I can so easily conjure up: I reckon I'll teach for a time--possibly in another country at one point or another. Write a book--maybe a few. Ministry will be a part of whatever I end up doing, if not full-time ministry. Have a family, God willing. Continue in music (not sure of how exactly). [none of these in any particular order] My future seems nebulous right now--I'm in a state of waiting and forging onward in the work God's given me right now. I cannot really see past graduation, well heck, past the summer really--housing for next year remains a toss up and student teaching's a mystery location wise. Minor details. God'll work them out. No worries.