Friday, November 17, 2006

Green Tea on the Roof and Beautiful Sunsets

The other night Macie and I were walking back to our cars when Macie recognized a guy she had seen earlier that week out at Tom Short. She introduced herself and we started talking. His name is Dan. Anyhow, we ended up talking for a while and he invited us over for some tea before I had to part for work. We accepted the offer and headed for his apartment across the way.

We walked up the steps to the third floor, admiring the architecture of the building which reminded us of Maine from the Northeast. There should have been a dock somewhere, a beach in the background, seaguls overhead, the smell of the sea, and the taste of salt in the air. However, all we had were the blue portholes and a field of grass.

Before we knew it, we were drinking hot tea on the roof of his apartment complex, looking out at the beautiful sunset as the cool breeze soothed us all... such an amazing God we have! Truly!

...the wind blew ferociously, sending the amber blades of grass in ripples that glistened in the sun as if ripples and waves of pure golden rays of ocean. Breathtaking.

I've had writer's block for quite some time... the urge to write has begun to creep up in my bones once again... soon, I shall have time again to write. But for now, I must keep it short. 'Tis a glimpse of life's little blessings... spontaneity and adventure had beckoned me as I sipped that hot tea in the cool evening. The lure of God's creation romanced my heart and at that moment I knew I was made for this. For life by the Spirit. A life willing to give up everything in order to follow the One who created me. Praise the Lord for His leading.

After days of longing for more of the Lord, I have come to find that the more I have of Him, the more I want. He is the only One that satisfies, and yet in some way I am still left hungry--craving Him more and more as I discover the depths of Him. Thus, the ultimate love story...for my Maker is my husband (Is. 54).

Redeeming Love

The other night the Lord had me read through Hosea 2 and wow did it spoke to me.
...little did I know HE would tie it to other things... So Friday night before I went to
bed I felt drawn to pull out a book called "Redeeming Love" which I've had for
about four years and have not read yet. I started reading it that night and the next
morning I picked it back up again. I was supposed to go to work but called in
and they informed me that I didn’t have to work on game days because the garages
are reserved. Um yah, that's God that I didn't have to go to work that day!
All in His timing! So anyway, I read all morning and afternoon. I read until about
I kept asking the Lord if I was supposed to be doing something else because I had
a lot to do but He kept telling me to read on. So I did. He told me to enjoy it and
spend time with Him.
Funny thing, Redeeming Love is based on the book of Hosea!!! Okay, so the
last thing I read, I knew that I was supposed to read all the way until this point.
And here's what I really, really wanted to share:
The girl, Sarah, had run away and at the top of the hill Michael Hosea found her.
She was trying to run away and go back to the town where she was a prostitute.
He told her she could go uphill for 30 miles to the right and that'd take her back to
the whore house with the Dutchess. Or, she could go to the left, downhill one mile
back home with him. He left her to make up her own mind. Late that night she ended
up coming back and showed up in the front door. He took her and started washing
her feet and hands and speaking gently to her. She realized what she had done to
him yet he still did these things for her and she couldn't understand why, so she
asked him why and he responded, "Because, for some of us, one mile can
be farther to walk than thirty."
Wow, read that line again. I had to. "Because, for some of us, one mile can
be farther to walk than thirty." It's that way with hurting people. Sometimes
it is easier to go all 30 miles uphill back to what they know than it is for them
to just go one mile to love and to HIM!!!! I was thinking about this with so
many of my relationships with Sometimes it is easier for them to go to what
they know than it is for them to go to God and love because they don’t know
how to receive love.
I realize that often times I, as well, have a hard time fully receiving all the
love that the Lord has to offer. When things become to intimate I find myself
feeling a little uncomfortable. However, the Lord knows this and continues
to pursue and romance us…that is what is so beautiful.
Something else this book has been teaching me is that only through patience,
patience, patience is this man winning her heart. He loves her so much that he
waits and waits and waits to even make love to her although they're married.
He knows that it would only hurt her until she is ready. He is sooooo patient
with her---I cannot even believe it. And the only way it's possible is because
of God. In this book, this man continually cries out to the Lord and asks for
patience and asks what he is supposed to do. He doesn't understand why he
has feelings for a prostitute and why God would tell him to go back for her.
It’s a an amazingly beautiful story retold… read it if you find the time…make
time if you have to...

as winter approaches...

Things here are super busy--trudging through classes and continuing to go to work...however, on the side of God, He is doing amazing things here!

God is bringing revival and it is soooo exciting! The other day a girl was riding her bike through the rain and she took a hard fall, scraping up her legs real bad and mangling her toes. She went into the MSC (student's center) and some people came up to her and asked if they could pray over her...they started praying that Jesus would heal her and her wounds slowly sealed up and she said she could feel her toes going back into place...amazing! God healed her right then and there! Holla!

I have several crazy testimonies similar to that...the other day I was going to a concert and wanted to see if I could get a donated ticket but they didnt' have any. I could either buy my ticket right then or come back right before the concert and see if anyone had donated his ticket and if not then buy my ticket. The Lord convicted me of always wanting instant gratification and told me to wait. Even though I wanted to buy my ticket right then, I decided to go outside for an hour and journal...when I returned I asked if anyone had donated a ticket and no one had. So I got in line--questioning God--and even had my credit card out. Then, out of nowhere, some older gentleman came up to me and handed me an envelope. He said, "Ma'am, do you need a ticket? Because I have an extra one. Here you go." What?! God is crazy! All in His timing--His perfect timing! He's such a provider!

Something a friend sent me:
here is the link to the guy (Daniel's) blog.
all you need to do is read
the blog entries on his main page,
staring with the one that says "READ
FIRST"(imagine that, eh?). if you peruse
the blog archive there are several
more interesting ones, especially one that
is a dream he had about the
current generation of young people getting
on fire for God, miracles, etc.

watch the's really good--
the deception of beauty in our culture:

http://fearlesslyfe minine.blogspot. com/

Another blog I came across: