Wednesday, May 17, 2006
no somos cerdos...
God's doing amazing things
growing and transforming
many know Him for the first time
much reflection
much prayer
must retreat for the nite--
[more later]
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Changing Seasons
Bittersweet. Tonight's the official last night that I'll be living with Mary and Sarah. Seasons are changing--in life that is. I always find these times hard to process right away. So I don't. I just go with it and wait until I'm ready to process. What a blessing it's been to have Mary as my roommate for two years and Sarah for a semester. Lord, you are good to me; beyond good.
Ashley and I worked together for a year and now she's gone--going to England to start a new season in her life.
Our paths crossed
Only for a time
She parts, taking the memories with her
England's her destination
Life's a funny thing
Perhaps we'll never see each other again
Perhaps we will
The year's over and now our paths diverge
Time has come to say 'Goodbye'
As I drove home [aww, I really do feel as though B/CS is my home and not my parents' house] from Victoria, the currents of wind through my car, the smell of summer, the sight of rolling hills and cattle, I wondered what it'd be like to ride with someone I really cared about--in a romantic way that is. Three years and coming since I've been in a relationship; three amazing years at that. Still, I wonder. What would we talk about or not talk about? Would we hold hands? Laugh at nothing at all and then again everything? Would we be comfortable in silence? Sing our favorite songs? ...probably. Until then, I ride alone with You, Lord--that is until you say another may join us for the ride.
O Lord, you are good to me! May I never forget that!
Lord, You know; You know.
Slowly, I'm realizing the importance of 'superficial' conversations. Without them, without the shallow end of the pool, you'd never get to the deep end. I suppose I've always heard this said before, but I am beginning to remember its importance and truly grasp the weight of it. This plays out very much when discipling people. This I am learning.
Reading The Call...Realizing I want to be a 'dreamer of the day' and not just a daydreamer... "a dreamer of the day actually responds to the gap between vision and reality by closing it."
Also realizing I do not want choice to debilitate me--we are saturated with decisions, choices and opportunities, causing us to stray from commitment. This leaves us in a pitiful state, really. [Funny I just read this chapter b/c Mary and I were just talking about this very problem only a few nights ago--Lord, You know what you're doing]. That's all I'll say on this--I'm too tired to type more than that.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Leaving to Stay
Tears for my dad today...nothing fits his spiritual state better than this song...I cry every time I hear him sing it with the guitar. I realized what the lyrics were saying about a year ago and I wept as he sang this with more conviction than I ever knew. O Lord! Bring my dad to your feet! Hallelujah! Lord, You are good. You are good! I believe you-- for your glory will shine as my dad comes back to You as the prodigal son did! Selah!
"Leaving To Stay" Jonny Lang
I can't believe in what I've seen
I been forsaken. I been deceived
Cast aside and left behind
I can't believe my own eyes
I been waiting for the glory
Of the coming of the Lord
I heard a lot of stories
But all my prayers have been ignored
I been waiting in the wings
Between the ocean and the shore
But this time I'm leaving to stay
I'm walking away
I seen the red sky in the morning
I seen the low tide slipping away
I do believe I'll take warning
Taking my leave to stay
Like an angel afraid to fly
Like the last lonely rose hung on the vine
Weeping Willow

Mary and I were talking about how much we love Weeping Willows.
One day I'd like to find a really huge one, like the one at my Grandma's old house, and read under its canopy. There's something peaceful and almost lethargic about the Willow. I used to sit under its branches as a little girl, pretending that it was a hidden cove out by the park. I'd gaze out at the pond, watching the ducks glide across the water. I knew it's peace then and I desire it today. May I rest under your branches o Willow?
"Oh, Atlanta" Alison Krauss
Same old place Same old city What can I do? I'm falling in love I'm just an old hound dog Roaming around, oh Lord I've got all this and Heaven above Oh, Atlanta I hear you calling I'm coming back to you one fine day No need to worry There ain't no hurry cause I'm On my way back to Georgia On my way back to Georgia I get a feeling in me When I remember all those crazy days and crazier nights Can't you hear the music playing? You must have heard them saying We're gonna rip 'em up and light up the night
The Great Escape
After our scavenger hunt for HG party, we bailed...leaving behind my camera [as it was used for the scavenger hunt]. I imagine the surprise of people's faces when we were no where to be found and all that remained was my camera. tee-hee. We made a pit stop by the church office to leave a note for Sarah and use the restrooms and then hit the road. Late into the night we drove, open space, no traffic.
We arrived around 1:20am and parked it on the beach. We had the entire beach to ourselves...freedom at last! We spent the next few hours exploring the beach, walking the shoreline, barefoot and elated. So surreal. Roaring ocean. Salty air. Whipping wind. Sound of crashing waves. Sandy toes. Night crabs. Overcast sky with a few stars in sight. It was absolutely glorious!
Took off running down the coast, the wind blowing something furious and the waves wetting us to our knees. All I could do was smile.
God's character shone through more and more as I witnessed the ocean, His creation. Something so powerful yet so peaceful. The paradoxes roll out... so dangerous yet a safe haven. Constant, like God, the waves just conitnue day in and day out.
Mary and I slept in my car that night. We didn't mind. Loved it actually. The best part of waking up was hearing that beastly beaut of an ocean [not Folger's in your cup].
Time to reflect, journal, sing. Rising sun. Storm blowin' in, blowin' out. Little rain never hurt nobody. Sun coming out. Feeding the birds. Busting open a coconut washed up on shore [rotten coconut milk smells wretched by the way]. Shells. Crabs. Jellyfish. Sunbathing. Walking the beach. Playing in the sand. "Endless possibilities at the beach."
Loaded up and headed home around 4pm...drove through a Houston thunder storm-- hail, lightening and all--fantastic. Driving out of it only to see an absolute truth of God's promise to never flood the earth again: a rainbow. Brilliant colors and it was a double rainbow at that! Such a blessing!
God put Psalm 93 on my heart for this roadtrip...
1The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty;
the LORD is robed in majesty
and is armed with strength.
The world is firmly established;
it cannot be moved.
2 Your throne was established long ago;
you are from all eternity.
3 The seas have lifted up, O LORD,
the seas have lifted up their voice;
the seas have lifted up their pounding waves.
4 Mightier than the thunder of the great waters,
mightier than the breakers of the sea—
the LORD on high is mighty.
5 Your statutes stand firm;
holiness adorns your house
for endless days, O LORD.
Long night ahead, studying 'til 2am and talking with Sarah 'til 3:30am...only to wake at 6:30am for my final. need for coffee...delirium had set in. Sarah and I slept in the church office on the floor using pillows and blankets from my beach trip. Ha...Sarah said, "Hey everyone, you didn't come to the lock-in! Only Dyanne showed up..." O Sarah, she's a funny one. =)
Some words from my Granny (7.12.02):
I have a special role to play in your life. I have never made you a home-made birthday cake, but think how many S'mores we have made. I have never brought you a dress, but I did buy you your first rod and reel. I have never taught you how to do your hair, but I taught you it was O.K. to wear the wet look in the river, pool, and ocean. I have never done your nails, but I have held your tan, sandy hand as I taught you how to walk upon the sand beside our sea.
So because you are mine and I am yours, I wish for you these eternal things: May all your sands be firm, waves gentle, seas smooth, winds soft, and suns warm. If they aren't, seek God and His special harbor when the storms of life come, and they will come. I hope that I have taught you in some little way how to make it through your "Oceans of Emotions."
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Here's an essay I wrote for a scholarship back in my senior year of high school...
“Dad! My line’s stuck again!” I set my fishing pole down and ran over to fish with his pole until he freed my line. As luck would have it, I found myself entangled in a mess once again: “Dad, your line is stuck!” My dad never lost his patience or his temper; instead, he reformed situations that seemed impossible to find the least bit humorous. “It must be the big one— he just broke loose from your line; maybe we can reel him in this time,” my dad would joke. Precious moments such as these filled my childhood with words of wisdom: “Don’t sweat the small stuff and look at things from a different perspective.” My dad taught me lessons by practicing the words he preached. He always baited his own hooks and taught me to bait mine. “Dyanne, come over here and bait this hook,” he said. I doddled, dreading the moment I had to place that worm in my fingers and then thrusting its body through the hook but not before ripping its body in half to ration the bait. As insignificant as this may seem, my dad trained me to do things for myself.
I was ready to cast when I heard my dad shout, “Wait!” I turned my head to find that I was about to rip my sister’s shirt off; the hook had caught itself in the end of her T-shirt. Thank goodness for Dad; he helped me to always be aware of my surroundings. I unhooked my sister, and just as I thought my cast was going to be successful, SNAP! My line caught the tree and broke in half. “Dad! I need you!” As he came over, he had no look of disappointment, only encouragement. “I can’t reach the rest of the line— I need you to get it for me,” I begged. He picked up our fishing bucket and set it upside down. “Now you can reach it,” he confirmed. Sure enough, it was within reach. “Never set limits, never. There’s always a way, even if you need a little help sometimes.”
My dad prepared my line once again: “Ok, you’re all set— go for it!” I anxiously took the pole and cast into the water. Time passed and nothing…. I set my pole down and my dad shook his head. “Pick that up! And catch us some dinner; try that spot over there.” Ready to give up, I relocated and fished for a while. I waited for what seemed like an eternity, and then my bob went underwater! “Dad! Dad!… I think I caught something!” I began to reel it in, but the fish sure did fight back, swimming from side to side, struggling with all its might. I slowly reeled in my line, using all my strength. After a drawn out battle, I reeled in the biggest fish I had ever seen (well, on my fishing line)! My dad was waiting with the pliers and pulled the hook out of its mouth. I held up my fish with pure pride and grinned from cheek to cheek. Persistence and determination. “Never give up,” I could hear my dad echo. with my dad brings back some of my fondest memories.
...the sea is so close i can nearly feel it and taste it and smell it... i will venture there soon enough...we leave in the night [a get-away]...sleeping in the car or perhaps on the beach...there for in the sun...o wonderous sea! o wonderous God!
I am loving every moment; content with the very minute the Lord has given me. Why worry about tomorrow? Why dwell on the past? Now is the time He's given me. This is a significant concept to grasp and when you do, walking with the Lord feels so much freer!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
Star Filled Sky
Laying under those sparkling diamonds, it seemed as though I could have reached out for them; the vastness, the veil of darkness with piercings of light shining through. Chatter and singing in the backgroud, I lay there in silence, looking up to You and Your beauty. A shooting star gliding across the sky--almost spiritual. I realized how much I really do love silence. I longed for it in those moments. I loved hearing the buzzing of friends and even music, but my soul longed for the silence--save the sound of nature and Your voice. Remembering these very moments in Montana: You and Your mountains and the clearest sky I've ever seen, the stars shone brighter than I've ever witnessed. Laying there under those imprints of light, I knew You were with me.
The same sky I looked to that night, those children look to as well. Those same stars that speak truth to my heart, speak to those children. O Lord, may they know You by your creation.
Psalm 147:3-5
3 He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.
4 He determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name.
5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
his understanding has no limit.